cupidkyu · 2 days ago
can you repost the top Kinich hcs PLEASE
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— gn!reader, brat taming implied,mean kinich,org4sm denial(?), degradation, overstim.
ts took so long 2 answer but yes,idk why it keeps taking down my posts but here ya go!!!
kinich definitely degrades you in an indifferent tone, making you feel inferior compared to him, looking down at you with a boring gaze as he fucked into you m1ssionary.
and enjoys tying your hands together! he likes watching you squirm and struggle against the rope bounding both your wrists together while he acts all gentle with you,yet his tip presses so firmly against that spot,youre whimpering and wailing for him to go faster,he'll give it to you, don't worry. but just stay as a good little toy for him, okay?
“you're so annoying.” he'd sigh, thrusting so deliberately slowly,his eyes never laying off of you,his nails digging into your neck as your hips buck up against him so desperately,your mewls only turning him more each time,“please- I-.. ngh~ kinich- I'm sorry-” you'd apologize pathetically,so pathetically. “for what? for acting like a lil' bitch? or sorry for not being able to satisfy me?” he spat coldly, punctuating his words with a harsh slam this time, letting out a quiet groan as a squeal escaped from you. of course,he didn't mean what he said. he just loves watching you protest,he just loves your little 'i can,i promise!'s. can you blame him?
kinich loves watching you beg for release,you wanna squirt,you wanna spill,just for him. but he never lets you,at least not so fast. he likes watching tears drip down your eyes,your bottom lip shaky as you try your best to speak and plead for him to allow you to come. he'll fuck into you so roughly,but warning you that if you ej4culate without his permission, he'll punish you!
sure,he's a little mean when hes wrecking you senseless,but he still tries his best to show you he doesn't mean to harm you in any way! you are his darling lover after all. however,it doesn't mean he'll pass up on the offer of watching his pet crying and sobbing to release!!!
you were throbbing from both pain and pleasure,your eyes rolling back as you moan repeatedly. “c-..come- please- I wanna- hnf~..! wanna come-! please- I-” you'd stumble between your words as he kept pushing himself inside you, cocking his head to the side as he speaks,“no, I've already told you. you're not going to, unless I'm close.” you nod weakly,not wanting to upset your lover. he rubbed your waist softly to remind you that he loves you a lot,hiccups escaping your throat as you took his cock<3 but you couldn't help but immediately fold when he pushes a little bit to deep and rough inside you, causing you to shiver and cream, earning a disapproving look from him.
kinich bends you over the bed, changing the position a little. his finger twirls a strand of your hair as you cry from the harsh,messy treatment you're receiving from him. your eyes twitching uncontrollably when he keeps rubbing that one spot. your thighs covered in light red from how harsh he was spanking them.
he keeps your head down with one of his hands as he wrecks your hole, squeezing and clenching around him as your legs tremble from the nth or4gsm. globs of tears staining the bedsheets as he keeps you pinned down.
oh how pretty you looked when hes fucking you like there's no tomorrow, finally letting you come but with a catch,he makes you spill over and over! your hair is tugged,yanked,used as a handle for him to use,your neck covered in bruises and bites. you were filled,so full, completely full. you could feel his cock over and over again while you're full of his sem4n. “does it feel good,hm?” he'd ask, already knowing the answer,his free hand tracing your back,“y-..yesh! feels so- goood~..! s-soo good~” you'd blabber. you could suddenly feel his palm against your reddened thigh,you shrieked so adorably, earning a chuckle from him as he practically splits you in half. he shoved your face down against the bedsheets,your now whines muffled as he continues to ram himself inside you,how long will this last? who knows! but you just feel so much at once while hes tearing you apart,maybe he should focus on making his beloved come over and over again!>_<
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 2 days ago
Clark had had enough. The argument between him and Bruce had escalated beyond what anyone expected, and now, in front of the other Justice League members, Clark had him pinned against a wall at the Watchtower. It happened almost too fast to process. One second they were arguing, and the next, Clark’s arms slammed against the wall on each side of Bruce’s head - kabedon style.
For a second, everything seemed to stop. Bruce stared up at Clark, trying to maintain his signature cold expression, but his heart was pounding. His breath hitched, and he could feel the heat radiating from Clark's body.
Every ounce of training, every technique for staying calm under pressure was kicking in — but for entirely different reasons than usual. Clark’s intensity, the way his blue eyes looked down at him, had Bruce balancing dangerously on the edge of losing control. He could feel his body reacting in ways he couldn’t ignore. God, it almost scared him how turned on he instantly got.
But everyone was watching. He couldn’t afford to lose it here, not now. Bruce swallowed hard, then keeping his voice low, he said, “Clark… You need to back off.”
Clark’s jaw clenched, but slowly, his arm relaxed and he took a step back. The moment passed, but the heat lingered between them.
Bruce had held it together - barely - but it was clear to anyone who knew how to read the situation, that something had shifted between them.
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syneester · 4 hours ago
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[Fanart for There Are Monsters Nearby by @uhohbestie]
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dewsgremlin · 1 day ago
Phantom once fainted and Dewdrop and Swiss called him "Faintom" for almost three months.
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imflyingfish · 1 day ago
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Hot fresh Pearl off the press :]
Alt colours below (lil bit double life looking ngl)
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star--bird · 1 day ago
HC that Dick has a lot of guilt about not being the big brother Jason needed when Jason was Robin (in the way Dick was for Tim) so he does a lot of over compensating after Jason is resurrected. This does include Dick showing up to Jason's apartment to drag him on random excursions such as going to the arcade, movie theater, and pop up events happening in Gotham. Jason pretends to be annoyed but he genuinely enjoys them and finds it does help make up for his lost childhood just a little.
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oh23 · 2 days ago
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can i say timkon or will u guys shoot me for it
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izzyspussy · 2 days ago
one of the funnest things about reddie is that they are both simultaneously out of each other's league somehow, it's incredible. like people look at ben and bev and they're like yeah that tracks. people look at bill and audra and they're like how did he manage that. people look at richie and eddie and they're like huh?
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justaz · 9 hours ago
Merlin = Emrys = magic incarnate = all magic
power over the dragons (dragonlord) ✅
visions of the future (seer) ✅
power over life and death (high priestess) ✅
extremely charming nature that has everyone tripping over themselves for him (lamia) ✅
Do You Understand Me?
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dipstar1489 · 2 days ago
Robin Headcanons (Mostly Jason Related Because My Dumbass Hyperfixated On Him The Most)
When Tim first became a Robin, he tried to replicate Jason’s style, unintentionally upsetting Bruce and Dick who just lost their son/brother. Once Jason finds out someone took the Robin mantle, he is going to be pissed because he felt replaced and he believed Bruce wouldn’t let another kid be Robin after his death (to be fair, Bruce and Dick weren’t expecting a new Robin either), made worse by the idea that Tim and Jason are now the same age. (Explained later)
Jason is partially blind, has a limp and has burn scars around the areas where the explosion hit him the first time, as well as from Joker’s torchure.
Jason’s bruises from his first death show up when he’s in a terrible mood and he’ll try to brush it off as makeup, until one night when everyone KNOWS he wasn’t wearing makeup before going to bed.
When Dick found out Jason died, he rejected his hero identity for a bit and decided to work undercover as one of Penguin’s henchmen just to spite Bruce for not Jason, as well as the fact that Dick could of had Jason’s death if he stayed a Robin.
Jason’s age took a pause from when he was dead, so he’s still the same scrawny 15 year old who came out of the ground. However, due to the fact that he would have been currently 18 if he lived and how corrupt Gotham is, Jason tries to weasel his way into bars because he could technically get alcohol now. Safe to say, it’s a 50/50 chance it works.
Dick is the only batboy who doesn’t get hammered when drinking.
Jason with snake bite piercings. Jason with snake bite piercings. JASON WITH SNAKE BIT- I think you got the message. Just. Jason with so many piercings once he realizes guys wearing jewelry is now socially acceptable.
All of them are neurodivergent. There’s no way they’re neurotypical. Dick is autistic, got ADHD, OCD, PTSD, BPD, and insomnia. Jason got ADHD, PTSD and depression. Tim is an ADHD and autistic icon with a dash of depression and anxiety. We can all agree Damian is autistic right?
Most of them are also apart of the LGBTQ. Dick is a bisexual demiboy, Jason is a genderqueer queer dude, Tim is obviously bisexual with the addition of being ftm, and Damian is the little aro prince.
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thatshadowcomic · 1 day ago
Would Sonic and Shadow have kids?
I actually feel very strongly about this, and have written a lot regarding a fanchild (will draw a few ideas eventually and repost this probably)
Sorry for the long post. In my HC Shadow is sterile, as he's a hybrid creature, unable to breed with Mobian or Blackarms. His immortality would play a huge role on how he ponders the world.
I think they would raise a chao garden in place of children, maybe not even realizing the similarity. But over time, as Shadow is again faced with the realization that Sonic will die, and will consider what remains.
After Sonic is gone, there would be nothing left of him that Shadow could hold and look at. The Chao and Sonics influence is a kind of legacy, but to Shadow, he couldn't truly look at either and feel that it was Sonic, which might cause some tension between them. Something they could never agree on, y'know?
Idk why, but sonic always felt like someone who'd be great with kids and a great uncle, but someone who wouldn't want children of his own. Maybe it's an insecurity? He doesn't think he'd make a good father? There's lot of people like that irl. For Sonic, he doesn't consider children to be your only source of legacy. By just existing, Shadow is in essence Sonic's legacy. Even if he forgets again, Shadow's very way of interacting with the world is the continuation of Sonic's influence, something very profound and meaningful to Sonic, even if he doesn't say it.
"People exist in everything they do, Shadow, not just in their kid. When you vanished after the ARK, I was a different person, I approached the world with your story in my mind, even when I wasn't thinking of you. In that way, your existence changed my world, not just the Moon... Just by existing, you continue my legacy for the same reason." -sonic
While moved, in the end I think Shadow would still want a child, as his brain just can't rationalize this, even if he respects it. I've considered if they'd get a surrogate or... If Shadow would use the ARK and his connections to illegally recreate his own creation, using Sonic's blood as a stabilizer, ensuring Doom's blood is scrubbed from the child. I'm still considering what this act would mean to Sonic and how he'd feel about it. It's very extreme, but I live for the drama.
He might become obsessed with either offering Sonic immortality or immortality by way of a child, fearing he'd never make such a deep connection with anyone like he has with Sonic. Or maybe in reality, he'd be creating something he feels he should have been, finding a sense of cartharsis in raising something that is, in a sense, him. But better. A lot of people see their child as their second chance.
"I will be for you, what I desperately wanted. What I needed, what I longed for. It took me years to find it, but you will never need to search for it, because I will always be here to offer it to you..."- Shadow
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vanitasgolden · 2 days ago
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Shh, he's sleepy
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leggieocity · 2 days ago
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ashersbraincell · 2 days ago
How similar are we?
Mostly just curious whether anyone's going to pick options 3 or 4 lol
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eydilily · 27 days ago
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hermit family photo ! ! !
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poorlydrawnmcyt · 4 months ago
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Xisuma is forced to play hit video game That’s Not My Hermit by Evil Xisuma every day
Part 2
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